Money’s Role in Our Grand Tapestry

Do not get myopically focused on the wrong thing.

Man, do not exalt yourself above your purpose,” one might say, echoing Dostoyevsky’s sentiments about our place in the world.

The chase for wealth can sometimes eclipse our true calling.

But, just as Whitman found beauty in animals’ “placid and self-contained” nature, we must find serenity in using money as a tool rather than letting it define us.

Imagine an artist not constrained by the market’s whims but driven by pure passion. Or a businessperson whose ventures spread meaning rather than just profits.

It’s a vision where money isn’t the end but a means to draft, evolve, and refine our aspirations.

The real magic happens when we reposition money as the facilitator of dreams, not the dream itself.

Like the animals in Whitman’s verse, may we find dignity in our actions, ensuring that our pursuits, fueled by wealth, put our lesser desires to shame.

Let’s not just earn to accumulate. Let’s earn to elevate our purpose and paint our masterpiece.

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